MPSN doesn't place people in jobs. We support those who already have (or on their way to securing) a summer job in the Washington, DC area. Our communal living experience is designed to give you inspiration and support while you are are working during the day in a summer DC job.
For two months every summer, between ten and twenty Fellows live cooperatively as one group - sharing rooms, cooking duties, video games, household chores, pizza runs, and everything else housemates do together. And with DC as the backdrop, there are endless places outside the MPSN house to explore together - from monuments and museums to lectures and coffee shops.
This diversity is deliberate. It encourages uncomfortable conversations to happen in a comfortable safe space - the MPSN house. Late nights at the MPSN house often include lively disagreements about the top issues of the day.
As they connect, our Fellows quickly realize that each one brings something unique to the group. Each MPSN class is diverse – representing different races and ethnicities, genders, Muslim sects, political parties, economic classes, college and university rankings, regions of the country and world, and styles of religiosity and Islamic practice.

Muslim history shows us that unity does not require uniformity. By working from - not against - our natural human diversity, MPSN Fellows end up respecting and appreciating even those with opposing beliefs and different life practices. That's why so many of our alumni describe their classmates as extended family. These relationships last a lifetime.

But, of course, we are more than our positions on the latest controversy. MPSN Fellows learn this in real time because there is nothing quite like living together to see the whole person. The roommate you were just arguing with might end up being the one who drives you to the airport at the crack of dawn. Or the housemate who makes everyone crazy with the prayer rules might be the one with the best Netflix collection.